Wild Swimming - It's not as nuts as you think!

Tobi Carver - 22nd May 2020
Recently there has been an upsurge in the popularity of ‘Wild Swimming’. So much so, that a swimmer enjoying a bracing dip in Cumbrias’ Blee Tarn features in the opening credits of the BBC’s Countryfile.
So what is wild swimming? why is it so popular? is it good for me? and can I do it?
Well here at The Day That, we like to ponder such questions…
For those who are unsure, ‘Wild Swimming’ is simply swimming outdoors and in open water i.e. in rivers, lakes and the sea. Now I spent a lot of my time as a child on a small island, on the Scillies and the rest surrounded by the sea in St Ives and we just called it swimming, but ‘wild’ swimming has seen a growth in the number of people enjoying it in recent years. It is something I enjoy often, sometimes even after a TDT dawn shoot. Sometimes people like to do it in front of the camera while I’m on a shoot. Sometimes they forget to wear clothes!
Wild Swimming has it’s own equipment, such as wetsuits specially designed to be supple enough in the right areas to allow you to swim well, without feeling restricted in your movements by the suit.
Well the main appeal for many is to be out in the open, enjoying the environment in as natural and clean a way as possible and to feel sense of freedom that being in nature brings, are all compelling reasons to give it a try.