Leave nothing but your footprints...
Such a good motto that resonates with everything we believe in

We use the beaches everyday, and like to give something back...

Subconsciously we’ve been doing beach cleanups for years – perhaps fuelled by a childhood fascination with ‘flotsam and jetsam’. Here we are today, still scooping up those beer can rings, washed up plastic bags, old hats, fishing gear, lego, and any other bits and bobs that have been left on the beaches or accidentally washed into the sea. 

Some days we only need to put a few bits in our pockets. Other days we fill a bag. Occasionally we need to call in help to move something large up the beach. 

Usually as first on the beach each morning we get first dibs on the rubbish that has floated in overnight. Each and every sunrise we capture is framed against the backdrop of a beautiful sandy beach and Cornish horizon. We acknowledge that we directly benefit from this natural beauty and categorically do not take it for granted! 

Get involved...

We are thrilled by all the initiatives that now take place, and formally recognise and support the dedicated efforts the likes of SAS (Surfers Against Sewage) bring to our seas.  It’s such a worthwhile cause with broad reaching goals for the good of our beaches and oceans. 

Our action in this area is forming, and we acknowledge there is both more we can do, and more we wish to support going forward.

Try and fill a bag next time you’re at the beach, get the kids involved (they may even get a Blue Peter Badge for it). Here are some helpful links to organised initiatives: 

Surfers Against Sewage

Marine Conservation Society

Clean Cornwall


Ordering for Christmas?


There’s still time to order your gifts in time for Christmas! 

Full details & last order dates and can be found on our blog



Pay What Feels Good To You!


Exciting News! 

Between now and Christmas we are making our sunrise prints more affordable to everyone! 

Simply get in touch and offer to Pay Whatever Feels Good to You!

Find out more on our PWFGTY page here….

There's still time to order for Christmas!

The cutoff for ordering any prints to arrive before Christmas has unfortunately now passed. You can still place orders but these will likely arrive early January. 

In a pickle or left it late? You can still order: 

Gift Vouchers / Digital Downloads

All last order dates can be seen on the blog here.

After a discount – get signed up to our newsletter via the homepage form and save 10-20% off your order. 

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from all of us at The Day That :-)