Kieran Brimson - one of the longest serving members of The Day That team, shares his three favourite dawns he has taken during his time with us.

Kieran Brimson - 5th May 2020
Having photographed well over 1500 dawns during my time with The Day That I’ve been lucky to witness a multitude of differing conditions. When lockdown hit we agreed as a team to do the right thing and stay at home. This gave me a chance to pause and reflect on those epic mornings, and I decided to summarise my top 3 dawns. The results surprised everyone…
When we go out and photograph the sunrise, it is not just about the light and the colours. It is also about what we as photographers can put in to those images, and what those images can give back to us. Every morning is so different and equally rewarding, based on not only what the weather is doing but also how we are feeling about the images we are taking. When we see the pictures being printed and framed, we can remember those mornings based on how we felt just as much as the day itself, and that is why I think it is easy for us to remember those individual mornings, no matter how many of them we have seen.