Part 2 – The Locations

Tobi Carver - 23rd April 2020
On 6th April 2000 The Day That founder, Gav Goulder, headed out to capture an beautiful image to mark the birth of his closest friends first child.
Gav remembers: “My phone was buzzing in the early hours and I recall thinking ‘I need to see who that is’. It was in the days before you got messages 24 hours a day – so I knew it must be quite important. Bleary eyed I looked at the message. It was from my friend announcing the birth of his first child, a little boy to be named Teddy.”
“I decided that I needed to celebrate this special day. Drinking my first cup of tea, I decided to drive into the countryside and find a suitable scene to take a picture as a memento of his birth. I eventually found a beautiful Oak tree in the middle of a field and took a simple photograph of it. I printed it and put the final image into a frame and delivered it about a week later. I can still remember their faces as I handed it over, many tears of joy shed.”
What is it they say? ‘From little acorns grow mighty oaks’?
Now I’m sure you’re all thinking: ‘Whoo! Wait a minute! I’ve not seen any oak trees in your daily uploads!’ But there’s more, and it comes on 10th of May 2005.
“Just over five years later,’ remembers Gav, ‘I took another picture – my daughter Ella’s first sunrise. This gave me the idea to start TDT and a few weeks later on the 21st June 2005 I started taking pictures every day.”