There’s some positivity on the horizon... the team are back in action!

11th May 2020
This morning Kieran has never been so excited for the alarm to go off at 04:45. He raced out of bed and over to Porthminster Beach to catch the pre-dawn colours. This was his first sunrise shoot in 53 days!
Kieran has been a linchpin of the TDT team for longer than many can remember and had been missing the daily shoots badly but we all agreed early on that staying at home was 100% the right thing to do. So for 53 days Kieran has been bunkered down in his house doing the right thing, catching up on pretty much every Netflix series known to man and working on some epic videos for TDT (more to be revealed soon).
It’s been a long old slog for all of us and we’re by no means out of the woods yet. But following the announcements last night there’s some positivity on the horizon. We anticipated this and have mobilised the team back into action!